To addition to the relaxing moments you will benefit from our unusual accomodations (yurt, safari tents, gipsy caravans…), enjoy of a wonderful moment with a shiatsu massage.
The shiatsu is a manual technique for well-being and care which comes from Japan. It is based on pressures on meridians, acupuncture points and on mouvements and energetic stretching. During a shiatsu session, the energy system gets rebalanced again, the body is relaxing, your mind becomes calmer and your spirit lighter. The practician’s hands feels the energizing rhythm and respiration and enhance good health. This shiatsu session will be realized in your accommodation.
A shiatsu session (around an hour) costs 85€. It is made by an expert -external from the Family Ecolodge. Therefore reservations and payments (checks or cash) have to be made/given only with/to her.
Phone reservation is compulsory (number : 00 33 (6) 23 26 09 01)
To complete the session, we propose the sauna (free). These activities are strictly dedicated to our guests
Payment by check or cash only, directly to your masseuse.
Qu’est-ce qu’un « Ecolodge » ou « Eco-Lodge » ? C’est une structure d’hébergement à taille humaine dont l’objectif est de minimiser les impacts négatifs liés au tourisme en:
Par téléphone:
du lundi – Samedi 10h à 12h et 17h à 19h
Tél. : 07 85 08 47 30
Adresse: 6 et 10 chemin de La Borde
45420 Batilly-en-Puisaye (France)
L’Ecolodge est situé à 45 minutes au sud de l’Ile de France, entre Briare (Loiret – Centre) et Guédelon (Treigny – Yonne – Bourgogne), entre Paris et Lyon