We shape Family Ecolodge, over the years, according to inspiring values such as:
Sobriety, a source of deep well-being, rather than infinite growth and material satisfaction alone
considering time as a gift to live and take care of oneself
to produce and consume locally, respecting local resources, for an economy at the service of local populations
a positive vision of the human race, based on altruism and respect for differences
We don’t pretend to live these values perfectly, but let’s try to respect them and follow them, as we would follow the path laid out by a mentor.
Here is what we wish for you during your future vacation or weekend at Family Ecolodge:
enjoy the pleasure of being together, around simple things, like a campfire
time for yourself, adults and children, to relax and slow down
autonomy in complete safety for the children, made possible by the absence of cars on the site and the benevolence of all towards each other
to regenerate oneself in contact with nature and animals, in a preserved and easily accessible environment
beautiful encounters and discoveries, on site and in our region
a lot of memories on the way back home
We are followers of slowtourism and always looking for a more environmentally friendly tourism, far from mass tourism and standardized places. Here, it is simplicity and authenticity that prevail. Your unusual family stay must above all be a moment of reunion, a factory of authentic memories. Family Ecolodge is part of the sustainable tourism (ecotourism), nature camping and ecological vacations.
The purpose of the trip is not necessarily in the destination, but in the paths taken and the moments experienced.
Beauty is not an abstract concept, but something that is in our eyes, and that we only need to know how to observe.
Qu’est-ce qu’un « Ecolodge » ou « Eco-Lodge » ? C’est une structure d’hébergement à taille humaine dont l’objectif est de minimiser les impacts négatifs liés au tourisme en:
Par téléphone:
du lundi – Samedi 10h à 12h et 17h à 19h
Tél. : 07 85 08 47 30
Adresse: 6 et 10 chemin de La Borde
45420 Batilly-en-Puisaye (France)
L’Ecolodge est situé à 45 minutes au sud de l’Ile de France, entre Briare (Loiret – Centre) et Guédelon (Treigny – Yonne – Bourgogne), entre Paris et Lyon